UJET engineers combine expert knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering, modern software and connectivity architectures, supply chain management, innovative tooling approaches with manufacturing and homologation processes. By leveraging world-class expertise in new materials to bring completely new properties, forms and design freedom to product development, UJET outperforms competing designs. They help companies and authorities switch from ICE to Electric. UJET engineers combine expert knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering, modern software and connectivity architectures, supply chain management, innovative tooling approaches with manufacturing and homologation processes.

Logotype design.
Business cards on a table.
<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%;overflow: hidden;"><iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="https://app.vidzflow.com/v/7dNPJ97eeU?dq=1080&ap=true&muted=true&loop=true&ctp=false&bv=true&bc=%234E5FFD&controls=false" title="Ujet Web 1 (1080P)" style="overflow: hidden;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allow="fullscreen"></iframe></div>
Brochure design.
Brand guidelines design booklet on table.
A person wearing a gray and black jacket and pants.
A white cooler with a black arrow on it.
A black service van.
<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%;overflow: hidden;"><iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="https://app.vidzflow.com/v/7WLSr8MMMz?dq=1080&ap=true&muted=true&loop=true&ctp=false&bv=true&bc=%234E5FFD&controls=false" title="We Are Future Ujet.mp4 (1080P)" style="overflow: hidden;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allow="fullscreen"></iframe></div>
A hubless electric scooter wheel.
Three brochures suspended in mid air.
A folded electric scooter.
A computer screen with a scooter on it.
A computer screen with a scooter on it.
A close up of the handlebars of a scooter.
A black motorcycle is shown from the front.
Two iphones with a picture of a motorcycle on the screen.
A cell phone sitting on top of a table.
A cell phone with an advertisement on the back of it.
A man sitting on a scooter in a futuristic city.
Electric scooter design with hubless wheels.
<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%;overflow: hidden;"><iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="https://app.vidzflow.com/v/I4TSuAtlLU?dq=1080&ap=true&muted=true&loop=true&ctp=false&bv=true&bc=%234E5FFD&controls=false" title="Draft 1.Mov (1080P)" style="overflow: hidden;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allow="fullscreen"></iframe></div>
<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%;overflow: hidden;"><iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="https://app.vidzflow.com/v/F0oJs95qZa?dq=1080&ap=true&muted=true&loop=true&ctp=false&bv=true&bc=%234E5FFD&controls=false" title="Ujet Brat Cut (1080P)" style="overflow: hidden;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allow="fullscreen"></iframe></div>
A large billboard with a scooter on top of a building.
A sign on top of a building that says lighter than a feather.

We were entrusted with the task of enhancing UJET's brand as it embarked on its next stage of global expansion. Our primary objective was to establish UJET as a frontrunner in e-mobility. To achieve this, we provided all pertinent corporate teams with a unified brand system, compelling content, and a robust website designed not only to impress but also to support a worldwide sales campaign.

#emobility #scooter #technology #engineering
Creative Director / Strategist / Art Director / Senior Designer / Junior Designer / Photographer / Videographer / Producer